Fallout 2 best small gun
Fallout 2 best small gun

I am a big fan of the rugged power of vintage weapons and part of my purpose in creating this mod was to celebrate the idea that "they don't make them how they used to." On average, increasing Small Guns by 5 points will increase Small Gun weapon damage by ~3.5%. Despite their name, Small Guns are very powerful, as the skill represents all of the games sniper rifles, shotguns, and machine guns. In general, increasing Small Guns from 5 to 10 will increase weapon damage more than increasing it from 95 to 100. Where can you get the bb gun and ammo? This gives the user of Small Guns the ability to kill with a variety of tools, and it also helps ease the pressure of having to find ammo for one favorite gun. Fallout My Patreon page: - Bobblehead location and a faster way into the Armory.

fallout 2 best small gun

Small Frame The Small Guns skill sets the effectivity of all conventional projectile weapons, this includes Assault Rifles, Pistols, Shotguns, Rifles and SMGs.Your Small Guns level will increase depending on you Agility, each Agility level will increase your Small Guns by +2.

Fallout 2 best small gun